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Monday, June 18, 2012

Paul said whaaaat the fu-

This seriously is the lamest bullcorn ever. EVER.  But it's cool.
Tomorrow is going to be the most boring day of my life. I'm so glad I enjoy reading. I'm not glad that I'm easily distracted and probably won't make any progress in the book I choose to take. Adult A.D.H.D., some people call it. It's really just an amazing ability to multi-task. I'm doing tens of things right now, as I write this.
I'm going to futilely try to go to sleep, because the only thing worse than an insanely bored Lena is an insanely bored and exhausted Lena.

I imagine I'll ramble on a lot tomorrow about nonsense, which is really what Memento Mori is all about.

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