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Monday, June 11, 2012

I lied.

It seems I do not have insomnia.
Oh.my. I've been waiting and waiting and talking about True Blood since last season ended last summer. Granted, this weekend was rough and I got like 5 hours of sleep. So I leave the beautiful hotel that held the Wedding Fair 2012, and it may only be around 5 pm but I am ready to collapse. So after an annoyingly hot drive back home (45 minutes with my car claiming it is 103 degrees outside) I'm like, crawling to my townhouse. It's only 6ish...of course I have time for a quick nap! Somehow my quick nap turned into 10 hours and I MISSED IT. I have not seen the first episode of Season 5 of TB. Who am I? How did I let this happen? 
I did not attend my own True Blood party.
And apparently no one else did, either. My shirt still hangs in the closet. No signs of forced entry. My phone has dozens of missed texts and calls. It's ok to be disappointed in me, my friends, for I am disappointed too.

I have learned a lesson this morning. Several, actually.
  1. Despite my attempt to remove all electronics from my bedroom, my phone must stay in there, even if just on the charger.
  2. I am not an insomniac. Clearly I sleep when I need to. The rest of it is just more hours in the day for me :)
  3. Always bring a change of clothes after working an event like the Wedding Fair. I would have rather drove home in a swim suit, and I am not stingy with the air. I max and full blast it.
  4. My car windows must be tinted TODAY. I've had it for over a month now. Procrastination is not my friend.
  5. Never rely on your internal body clock. It will let you down at the most crucial of moments. 
  6. Engaged women are the most insane, selfish, self-centered, maniacal narcissists I've ever had the pleasure to meet. Whoever coined the phrase "Bridezilla" did not give these beeeeoootches justice.

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