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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Still as lovely as ever...

Wow I used to think I was going to do this daily. I forgot it existed. Five years later - still have sleep issues.

I'm so tired.

I like this song. I only recently knew the name. I heard it in a show - the greatest show of all time a la New York Magazine. They always had the best music. This song played for a few seconds during an episode, then only faintly in the background. Try as I did to Shazam, it was just enough to tease me without enough to even google the audible 3 words. But now I love it.

The show, obviously, is Gossip Girl. The song is called "Names in Vain" by Summons. Sheck it out!

Video with Lyrics!

You like that, right?

Anyway. I thought it might be interesting to play with this a bit.

Maybe I'll be a famous blogger one day. That's what I'll do. It's done!

Donald Trump is currently POTUS. That's literally the first thing that came to mind when I was thinking how things have changed since I last wrote. I've moved cities multiple times, people I once thought would be in my life forever, aren't. I have just a ghost memory of our friendship, faint and fleeting. Job change. Milestone birthday. A niece that didn't exist yet. So much. Yet the one thing that sticks out, as something I would tell Past Lena is that Donald Trump will eventually be President Donald Trump.

~Orange will be the new Black and kiddo, your future is orange anyway~

So anyway, I say anyway a lot. I think it's time for a glass of wine. I'm keeping the font like this because duh, Halloween and ON WEDNESDAYS WE WEAR BLACK (YESS I KNOW IT IS THURSDAY). But it was an accident. I was just trying to make the font normal and not orange anymore. Mr. Robot (one of my newest obsessions) would be ashamed. My world really is orange!😱😱